>>> The art
>>> of wire-drawing does not appear to have been known until the 14th 
>>> century,
>>> and it was not introduced into England before the second half of the 
>>> 17th

This may be true, but that doesn't say anything about Ireland, and even 
if there is documentation about how and when it all happened in 
England, that doesn't mean that it didn't happen somewhere else, 
possibly using different techniques. Plus, if Ireland, or anywhere else 
for that matter, was primarily an oral culture, and/or the operation 
was considered sacred or secret or reserved for any reason (or 
unimportant or common knowledge), that could explain why no 
documentation has been found.  Anyway, besides a certain anglo-centric 
point of view, the key point in this passage, for me, is "does not 
appear", which is a much more concise way of saying what I've just 

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