Count me in the one to three weeks of stubble group, which seems neither here
nor there.  BTW what number and length of whiskers constitutes a beard?

-----Original Message-----
From: Stewart McCoy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, December 17, 2004 5:50 PM
To: Lute Net
Subject: Beards - conclusion

Dear All,

The beard thread has run its course, so it is now appropriate to
draw a conclusion.

It has not been easy to calculate an accurate percentage of bearded
lute-netters, because some people, like Ron Fletcher and Jon Murphy,
have beards only for some of the time. One has to draw a line
somewhere, so I count them both as bearded, along with Stephan
Olbertz (who shaves only once a fortnight), but I don't include Bill
Kilpatrick (stubbly most mornings). I assume from Al Padilla's
cryptic joke that he is bearded. I include Arto Wikla, but only by a


Stewart McCoy (Just for the record, I have a beard)
Leonard Williams (Beard here)
Bob Purrenhage (I, too, have a beard)
Roman Turovsky (And so do I)
Stephan Olbertz (If shaving only every two weeks counts)
Thomas Schall (moustache and a certain laziness)
Ron Fletcher (April to September only)
Jon Murphy (bearded sometimes, and sometimes not)
Al Padilla (I feel your pain)
Gary Digman (then they levied one on me)
Arto Wikla (perhaps called "mosca")
Doctor Oakroot (I have no idea how to shave)
Daniel Heiman (Beard firmly in place)


Edward Martin (I do not have one)
Bill Kilpatrick (stubbly most mornings)
Donatella Galetti (I don't have a beard)
Carl Donsbach (I wore a beard for a while)

Didn't say

Rainer aus dem Spring (how many female list members have a beard?)
Paolo Declich (I can testify it)
Stuart LeBlanc (resulting in the reduction of lute-related markets)

That means that of the 17 people who have stated whether or not they
are bearded, 13 are bearded, and only four clean shaven. That's a
pretty high percentage of bearded lutenists.

Best wishes,

Stewart McCoy.

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