I was there. 3 Bach suites and 1 Weiss (c minor with the famous
prelude/fugue fantasia stuck on at the beginning). Solid performance,
although I would have preferred less Bach and more Weiss (or other
composers who actually wrote for the instrument). Maybe it's just years
of familiarity, but it's hard for me to get excited about yet another
violin partita or cello suite transcribed for a plucked instrument when
there is so much music out there that is only played on the lute. He
anounced that he was playing the Bach more as a true dance suite in the
French style, but while there were some unique ornamental flourishes, I
am hard pressed to say that the interpretation was significantly
different from other performances/recordings I have heard.

I thought he had great tone and solid technique, although it was a
unique experience to be at an O'Dette concert where a few notes were
actually flubbed! There was also a very strict Basel like damping of
every bass note to the millisecond of the notation, while I prefer a bit
more freedom there, but I think it's a matter of personal taste. One
encore that I am embarresed to say I can't place exactly but sounded
like a transcription of a Bach slow movement.

Played on a Rutherford 13 course lute (Bass rider variety). Nice tone
and projection, although lines of site in the church were really
terrible and both the sound and visual esthetic would have been improved
by having him on an elevated platform. Probably 30% of the audience
could see no more than his beard and shoulder strap during the playing.

Still, quite a milestone in the annals of lute performance and I
certainly thought it was worth flying 1000 miles to see!

>Paul O'Dette played Bach and Weiss (sic!) today in NYC. I couldn't be 
>Were any lutenetters attending?
>Roman M. Turovsky
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