Our first defense against fascism is a respect for truth and events as 
they happened: The Night of the long Knives was an internal purge 
ordered by Hitler against the S.A.
Modern democracy is not based on belief, but reason; it is not a matter 
of faith, but on the contrary a matter of profound mistrust in power. 
This is the basis for the separation of legistlative, executive and 
judicial powers in the West.
"Clear and undisputed majority" was not the case 4 years ago. In fact, 
one of the big advantages of democracy is that it can survive unclear 
results and disputation, thanks to the above mentioned separation of powers.
Liberals do not hate George Bush, they hate his policies because they 
feel those policies undermine some of the fundamental principles of 

Roman Turovsky wrote:

>>But at least America still stands as an example of Democracy. In a truly
>>fascist country the ruling party might visit a Night of the Long Knives
>>against their opponents much as the SA did during Hitler's time. I have faith
>>that won't happen here because at the core of our being we, the American
>>people, the same ones who by clear and undisputed majority elect our leaders,
>>believe in Democracy.
>Yep. An old dictum says: "Every People deserves its Government".
>And yet another says "Peoples learn only by suffering indignities".
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