Hi all,
Thanks to Dana for bringing up those questions: it is always a bonus for 
programmers when users and other programmers express their ideas
on concrete matters like this. In fact, I have been feeling personally 
in the past year or two that perhaps I lost contact a little too much 
with the old
crowd.  This is not necessarily totally bad, because programmers have to 
face a number of  arcane issues on their own and need to develop and
introduce new ideas to keep things interesting for themselves and 
potential users. And much of that has to be done in relative quietness 
and isolation.
Yet, this could be a fascinating opportunity for everyone - users and 
programmers - to try and evaluate the current situation, their hopes, 
goals, and even perhaps frustrations. So much is changing so fast in our 
world,  that pausing a bit from time to time to look at the general 
direction of events is not really a luxury.
So what I want to do below, is talk a bit about my own general 
philosophy of programming, where I think we stand in the general 
environment of programming/publishing, and summarize what sort of issues 
I am currently working on. Even if I summarise, this is bound to be a 
slightly longer message than average, so if you are not interested, 
please cut along the dotted line below and trash the rest: it's heavy 
Django uses a very simple proportional spacing algorithm that works well 
only part of the time. In fact, it works best as a combination of 
automatic and
manual intervention - by inserting blanks here and there. What seems to 
be a fairly simple issue, is complicated by a number of factors: the 
need to space several voices for several instruments, some in notation 
some in tablature perhaps. The addition of lyrics also complicates the 
issue quite a bit. The limitations in paper sizes also play a great 
role: the standard paper size  for computer printers is not suited to 
music printing in general.
But for me, the crux of the problem - as almost always - is to find the 
right balance of automation versus manual intervention. We all hate it 
when Bill Gates is trying to finish our sentences for us, but we also do 
not want to have to spend time reformatting every note. So, in a sense 
the software has to be sensitive to the user in an almost intelligent 
way, or at least this should be a goal. This is the question of options.
Proportional spacing is only one aspect of the more general problem of 
"preferences". Whenever you satisfy one person, there will be another 
person who likes it better the other way. Software writers should not be 
bitter about this - tempting as it may be - because this is perhaps the 
only and certainly the main advantage of software over traditional 
publishing: you don't need a xerox machine with scissors to reformat the 
Poulton for performance if you have a digital copy of the Poulton 
available. Only a few key strokes and you can end up with a copy in 
regular notation in any clef you like, in French, Italian, German or yet 
to be invented tablature system, etc.
Again, the discussion of proportional spacing is a perfect example of 
this: we have talked about various proportional models, and the ideal 
software would certainly support all of those and more. But as software 
writers do offer more and more options, using the software also becomes 
more complicated for the user.
Depending on their system, leisure, etc. programmers may or may not 
address this problem.  One of the most common solutions I think is to 
offer templates that take care of many parameters at the same time. But 
to be entirely successful, these have to be developed by the users 
themselves, and not every user wants to have to deal with even that 
level of complexity. Rightly so in most cases. it's all a question of 
In the lute world, the most vexing question in that regard is ornaments. 
No matter what ornaments you offer, the only one that seems to matter is 
the one that is missing from the toolbox. Remember that unlike regular 
notation, there is no standard, established set of lute/early music 
ornaments that a developer can easily depend on. One of my plans in the 
near future is to expand the ornaments system in Django, but this will 
again introduce more complexity.

My main point here is that in enriching the software and building more 
flexibility, the quality of the dialog with the users is really quite 
important. It is also important in trying to build a rich, flexible 
software that does not require going through hundreds of pages of help 
file or take a three-day course to master. Users' intuition matters.

 From what I have said above, and if you did not know it already, you 
can see that there is quite a bit of thought and work involved in 
developing a piece of music software. Increasingly so. As we develop our 
systems and make the goodies available, people naturally expect more.
This is where it seems to me, in the past couple of years, a tendency 
has grown to consider that small software developers like me, who do it 
on the side of their real job, cannot possibly offer the same level of 
quality as the big companies like Finale or Sibelius can, with their 
full-time large teams of bright ivy-league graduate programmers.
As a result of that trend, I think, people have been investing sometimes 
hundreds of dollars into those software simply because it seems to them 
that if it costs 800$ it is bound to suit their all needs, when in fact 
a much cheaper, amateurish  piece of software could have done the job 
better. The fact is that in the past couple of years, the 
"professionals" in the music software industry have drained much of  the 
resources that could have benefitted smaller developers, and that most 
of those resources are going towards paying salaries for middle 
management, a host of MBAs and advertising costs that are completely 
marginal to the real business of software writing. The fact is also that 
in spite of all the professional qualities of those softwares, the 
tablature interface of both Finale and Sibelius until recently was 
simply appalling. In some respects still, the MIDI import features in 
Django are still superior to those in Sibelius, and some of the new 
features I have developed recently - document indexing, management of 
large collections of documents, integration of digital facsimiles, and a 
couple of other things, won't be in the planning for Sibelius or Finale 
for a few years to come.
Those softwares have undeniable qualities and strong points of course, 
but my point is that there has been a drainage of resources that have 
affected the small guys with the net effect that while the quality and 
of the work involved in writing software has increased, the basic 
revenue source has shrunk. I found this the hard way, when after 
starting work with the French guitar player Pierre Bensusan, he suddenly 
bailed out to fly to London to take a three-day course on how to use 
Sibelius instead.  Clearly an expensive mistake, because the programmers 
need to go to the musician's school and not vice versa.
Mac users in particular need to understand this phenomenon very well: 
writing software takes an enormous amount of time and energy, and in the 
very small niche of lute music you simply cannot expect any substantial 
return. In other words, you have to be nuts to do it. Personally, I have 
no idea how to turn my code into a native Mac interface, even though in 
theory, C++ code can be compiled on any platform. This would not be a 
minor investment.
Make no mistake, even when you are paying for a registration for either 
Django or Fronimo, you are still paying a highly qualified person for 
well under a nickel an hour. So, the question is: why even bother to 
charge? In my case, when someone takes the pains to send in the 
registration, this gives me a sense of the importance of what I do and I 
try to take it very seriously. This is less a commercial aspect than a 
psychological one, and it is very needed each time I sit at the computer 
instead of spending time with my family, or picking the lute out of the 
case, for instance. We have a saying in French: Tout travail merite 
salaire. If work is not worth paying for, it is  useless. 
This does not go against the efforts of freeware people, I think, 
because in my mind the freeware, code sharing  model was developed by 
programmers for other programmers, who  in exchange for the free code 
donated their expertise for debugging, expanding the code, etc. So I 
don't think of freeware as totally free.

This brings me to my final points: what keeps me going and where do I 
think Django is going?
When you think about it, a lot of what keeps us going is a mixture of 
unfinished business and accomplishments: there is plenty of unfinished 
business left to be done in Django: I have mentioned ornaments already, 
but there are many other aspects - better regular notation, better look, 
easier handling of instruments, documents, etc.
A lot of my work in the past year in fact is in both categories: 
accomplishments and unfinished, so quasi-acomplished... I want to single 
out two aspects that I think are particularly important:
-Indexing of documents. This allows people to better search through 
large collections of files, so you don't have to spend hours navigating 
your pc files to find the one piece that you need. So far, the indexing 
is relatively basic and I use a combination of programs to accomplish 
it, some of which are definitely not easy for non-programmers to handle 
and set-up for themselves.  However, the door is open for searching not 
only by author or title, but for more sophisticated modes of searching: 
by key, instrument or even chord sequence.
-Document clusters: the idea behind this is that a piece of music is 
really nothing in itself except a cluster of representations in a 
variety of format. At a simple level, a piece in Italian tablature is 
also the same thing in French tablature. But you can add to that the 
idea that it is also a wav format file containing POD's interpretation 
of it, or a PDF file ready to print, or a facsimile image. And you might 
want to have all those representations conveniently at hand.
So now, Django offers the possibility of linking a particular piece to 
an HTML link towards a digital image for instance. This allows users to 
provide not only a transcription and interpretation but also the source 
she used for the the transcription. it also solves part of the problem I 
mentioned earlier with respect to preferences: you can distribute a 
piece of music both for people to reformat if they feel like it, or in 
its final form for printing as you have it in mind.
Being able to integrate a digital image in the program also makes it a 
lot easier, more reliable and less physically painful to key because you 
don't have to turn your head every other second.
I think these are aspects that are important to lutenists and that as a 
group, and in spite of our commercially insignificant marginal niche in 
the market, we still have a lot of vitality, ideas, and energy to offer. 
In the end, the direction of events is in your hands - much more than 
you think.

Well, there is another thing that keeps my going: playing with the 
software to create some really bad music...  You can check my latest 
example of this at 
http://cbsr26.ucr.edu/wlkfiles/Publications/Prelude/Prelude_orch.html - 
A prelude for archlute, bandoneon, cello, bass and tinkle bells...

Cheers, and apologies for being so verbose,


Roman Turovsky wrote:

>>I also prefer to have spacing. It would be nice to have the possibility of
>>changing the grade of it.
>>Unfortunately that isn't possible in django and a little bit uncomfortable in
>>fronimo at the moment.
>In Django you can have either uniform proportional spacing automatically, or
>entirely manually for each bar (my preference).
>Fronimo's spacing is easy to achieve, if you know the parameters you are
>entereing (1.5 for most durations).
>To get on or off this list see list information at

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