Just to pass on a moment of joy. Tonight I turned a short (6cm shaft) test
peg from cocobolo. (The blocks I was able to get are 15" long, so there is a
3" wastage that I'm using for practice). I opened a beer, turned on the TV,
and sat with my home made shaper grinding away. As I got the rough peg
deeper and deeper into the shaper I noted that at all times I was getting
shavings off the full length, right down to the last turn. Never believed it
would happen first try. And the peg worked well in a set of test blocks
reamed to different widths. Now to see if I can shape the head nicely.

The correlary joy came from finding I can get four pegs out of each length
of the 1 5/16 square block by halving it then cutting the halves at a mild
diagonal. It leaves a flat at the head, but I haven't had a problem with
break out. So the three blocks I bought, expecting six pegs per block, will
make me 36 pegs - and a number of end pegs.

Best, Jon

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