> At least there are hints it could be used in certain casts. The concerts by
> Hagen, Falckenhagen and others used the baroque lute in smaller settings but
> also - if you take a look at Falckenhagen's f-majopr concert - with a string
> quartet. here it even serves as solo instrument.
Exactly, a SOLO instrument, and primarily so.

> Also the entry by LAv Gottsched telling us lengthening ("theorbieren") of the
> neck would have made the lute appropriate to play in "largest concerts" gives
> a hint in that direction.
> Other informations?
I was actually asking Marion to back up her statement with her own concerted


> Thomas
> Am Mittwoch, 9. März 2005 14:00 schrieb Roman Turovsky:
>>> Actually the Dm lute is very nice to accompany singers when played
>>> correctly. It is a great continuo instrument, among other uses.
>>> Marion
>> A proof, please.
>> RT
>> ______________
>> Roman M. Turovsky
>> http://polyhymnion.org/swv
>>> On Tue, 8 Mar 2005, Roman Turovsky wrote:
>>>>> Also, short of  having written tablature accompaniment for the d-min
>>>>> lute (such as you have for your lieder),  is it at all common for
>>>>> people to read bass figures with a d-min lute?
>>>> No, although some do, with historical precedent.  I find the idea
>>>> preposterous and out of character for the axe in question.
>>> Preposterous? Ok, the
>>> http://www.worldwidewords.org/weirdwords/ww-pre1.htm
>>> expla?
>>> Contrary to reason or common sense; utterly absurd or ridiculous.
>>> So RT considers playing continuo with d-minor tuned lute "preposterious"
>>> for that "axe". Could it be that he tried, but could not? I cannot do
>>> that myself, but there are some who can. (I do not own the d-minor
>>> "axe".) The instrument seems to suit very well to the late baroque idea
>>> of continuo! I cannot see anything "preposterious" in that, but to my
>>> understanding RT's comment is a very good example of a "preposterious"
>>> statement.
>>> About continuo: I really like to play it by my big theorbo in a.
>>> Anyhow sometimes my archlute in g is a better choice. Especially when
>>> accompanying a soprano. Or if the key of the piece has more than 2 flats
>>> - you know what I mean... :-)
>>> And my 10-course lute is also very usable with a smaller ensemble, one
>>> singer or two. And much easier to carry! ;)
>>> I plan to string and tune my smaller theorbo to d, a fourth higher than
>>> the big one, as a theorbo "pour pieces". I have heard such an "axe" in
>>> use, and it really gives nice and different continuo! It might be very
>>> useful in accompanying sopranos? There would not be such a gap in between
>>> the voice and the harmony. And I perhaps could stand one flat more... ;)
>>> All the best
>>> Arto
>>> To get on or off this list see list information at
>>> http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html
> -- 
> Thomas Schall
> Niederhofheimer Weg 3
> D-65843 Sulzbach
> 06196/74519

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