
I don't know whether to agree or disagree, it is a matter of interpretation.

> > Duke Ellington once said,  "There are two kinds of music - good music
and bad
> > music."
> Ellington, who died in 1974, is indeed universally credited with that
> remark, proving that inane comments about music predate internet
> groups.

If the good Duke meant that certain music is good and other music is bad,
then I would agree with you that the comment is inane. But if he meant, as I
think more likely, that any style or form of music is good as long as it is
true to its form then I'd disagree. I've not yet seen American Idol on the
TV (and don't intend to) but I've seen and heard some clips. There is such a
thing as bad music. I'm not a rock fan, but I can accept that it can be good
music. And I've heard rap (as long as I can't understand the words) that has
musical value (remembering that polyrythms are a form of music - Oh to find
that Gum Boots video that played on PBS). Music has many souls, it may be in
many forms. But in every form there are things that are lacking the soul of
the form. And that is bad music.

And I'd be pleased to be locked in a room with RT if he were playing some of
the music he has posted on his site (although I might agree that I wouldn't
want to be there to argue the relative values of different music). I like
Mondrian, Picasso, Rembrandt, Degas, Monet and even Pollack. But some blots
of color on canvas are just bad art made by someone with no sense of art or
design. A clash of harmony, or color, doesn't make for bad music or art
(witness the conversations on this list about a year ago about the "world's
ugliest chord" as found in McFalane's Scots Lute Book in Gypsie's Lilt - I
tried the chord in context on both lute and harp and found it to fit the

OK, enough. I'll say that the Duke's statement was correct as I interpret
it - and inane as you interpret it.

Best, Jon

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