I can confirm that Andre Rieux is well-known in the US - he is currently 
advertising for public television, which is a nice thing to do. I try to 
avoid hearing him play to keep my good impression...

Thomas Schall wrote:

>I'm not sure this guy (who obviously believes his Strat - no! not -ocaster but 
>-ivari would be in original state) is known outside germany and a few other 
>countries with limited public taste ...
>Am Freitag, 1. April 2005 23:21 schrieb Bernd Haegemann:
>>>>I'll pass along the deportment suggestion to my friends in the
>>>Herr Advokat, you are mixing up apfel and pomeranz. No orchestra ever
>>>plays from memory.
>>I believe the orchestra of Andre Rieu plays from memory (4 KB). ;-)
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