Some of you may wish to know that the English translation by Carol
MacClintock of Vincenzo Galilei's _Fronimo (1584),_ American Institute of
Musicology, Musicological Studies and Documents, 39 (1985), is still
available.  My catalogue lists it for $64.  AIM publications are
distributed by A-R Editions  in Middleton, Wisconsin.(

Incidentally A-R Editions has just released John Griffiths and Dinko Fabris
_Neapolitan Fantasias_ containing works by Dentice, the Severinos, Cardone,
M. Newsidler et al.  Transcription and separate tablature.  Many of the
works are from Berlin/Cracow, Mus Ms 40032.  

Arto wrote:

Dear Martyn,

> Yes, I would be most grateful for the relevant page numbers in the  >
original edition(s) -1568 and/or 1584.

The MacClintoc translation/edition is of the 1584 version. If I interprete
the listings of contents right, the talk about uneven fret placement and
tastini starts in page 155ff: "Unequal frets on Lute and Viola to  provide
for major and minor semitones are an impertinence", and then page 162:
"Frets added to the Lute, and their impertinence". What makes me wonder, is
that these page numbers seem to correspond also the pages of the
translation! And for ex. this 155ff is the _lower_ half of the  modern page
155! Could MacClintock really preserve the original page  numbering in the
translation?  Anyhow, please check that Martyn, and let  us know!

By the way, in the book there is lots of more interesting material of 
these matters than I wrote to the net in my page in 1995! That is only 
kind of teaser, actually... ;-)  And in the book there is also very much 
else to be studied!  I must put the book in the front of my reading list! 
Thanks for re-activating my interest to Il Fronimo! Perhaps I or others 
will inform the List of other intersting comments of music and lutes 
written by Vincenzo G.!

All the best,


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