At 07:11 AM 8/13/2005, Roman Turovsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Never fail. You are almost predicable. I was thinking it should be
> > quite easy to compile a list of buzz words which would generate
> > automatically these knee jerk responses. Now let see:
> >
> > I say: Koshkin will never write for the lute
> >
> > you say:______________
>This is just in, from the horse's mouth: Nikita Koshkin has written for the
>lute, and not just once. In the late 1970's- early 80's.

He did? wonderful news. So how come this was never published, never 
reached the hands of any lutenists and never mentioned before?

Actually, there is a pirate web site in Kazakhstan run by a fellow 
named Evgeny Tian which includes every single work ever composed by 
Koshkin, both published and unpublished. No lute music in there. 
Also, your newly found love affair with Koshkin, so soon after you 
denounced me for publishing the music of Koshkin/Myshkin, right here 
in this forum, is almost a year old by now. How come it had taken him 
all that time to tell you about his lute compositions?

Anyway, a side show of little interest.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax:     614-846-9794

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