At 06:22 AM 8/14/2005, Arthur Ness <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>This is just the kind of nonsense that should be condemned. Are we 
>expected to accept apocryphal stories and a pastel drawing as proof 
>of some historical truth?.

Probably not. But coming from the mouth of one who is so consistent 
in his discussion of iconography and in more apocryphal stories on 
lutenists that would feel a large volume, in a forum where 
iconography and apocryphal stores happens to be some of the major 
subjects of discussion, I wonder if the left side of your mouth knows 
what the right side is saying.

>The Bob Spencer edition was published, as Ophee knows perfectly 
>well, by Chanterelle, not Tecla.  I really dislike having my words 

That's really too bad and I fully sympathize with you. But to refresh 
your memory, here is what you said:

 >I think Brian Jefferey has published some of these
   >arrangements.  Edited by the
   >late Bob Spencer. Many of you probably know the edition.

In case you are not quite clear in your understanding of the 
publishing situation, Brian Jeffery who you mentioned, is the owner 
of Tecla, not Chanterelle. As for Chanterelle, owned and operated by 
Michael Macmeeken, they have never published any, and I mean ANY, 
Schubert songs, arranged or edited by Robert Spencer. This is the 
result of a search of their on line catalog for Schubert:

All of these editions were published by other publishers, not by 
Chanterelle, and they only sell them in their mail order business. 
None of them were edited by Spencer either.

The only connection between Schubert, Spencer and Jeffery is the 
volume of songs Brian published in 1985

from copies in the Spencer collection. The volume contains exactly 
three Schubert songs, from a total of 33 songs, and none of them were 
edited by Bob Spencer, but, as it clearly states on the cover, by 
Brian Jeffery. All Spencer did is supply the originals. In other 
words, I have no need to misrepresent your words. You are doing a 
fine job of it all by yourself.

>Furthermore the Tecla edition by Tom Heck consists of his own 
>arrangements, not work based on historical examples.

Isn't that exactly just what I have said? there  _must_ be an echo in here.

>It was condemned by Ophee in an irrational diatribe.

I did? can you remind of when and where? or is this another one of 
your mysterious hallucinations which come to you often whenever I 
challenge you to back up your statements with facts? Just let me 
remind you that you are tottering pretty close to actionable libel.
>So why don't you take a rest, Matanya, until you can get your facts 
>down correctly.  Take an aspirin, and call us back when you're 
>refreshed and your brain is in gear.

Thank you so much for your concern for my health. I truly appreciate 
it. Perhaps I should repay you in kind, but frankly, I am not 
qualified to offer assistance in the kind of problems you face.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax:     614-846-9794

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