At 02:45 PM 8/15/2005, Arthur Ness <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I am not going to be drawn into a debate about Madame Robert 
>Sidney-Pratten, the famous guitar virtuosa of the Victorian era. I 
>do not understand why Matanya considers this a proper topic for this 
>lute list.

Oops... you have already been drawn, as obvious for the quantity of 
verbal effluence you have been posting here and in RMCG o the 
subject, and it was you who introduced this subject into the Lute 
list. Just like you introduced other OT subjects here like Berlioz 
and the Guitar, Leonardo Schultz and the guitar. Mozart and the 
guitar, and constantly been harping about some mysterious 
"guitarists" whose ideas you disapprove of. And your hypocrisy 
regarding the question of the term "keyboard" to indicate grand staff 
notation for lute music, when it was you yourself who so decided it 
should be called in the MOLA series (to refresh your memory, here is 
this document which you wrote yourself:, is downright mind boggling.

So let me make an offer you cannot refuse: stop your anti-guitar and 
anti-MO campaign in this forum, and you will never hear from me 
again. Not  you and not your cyber body-guard Turovsky. Do I make myself clear?

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax:     614-846-9794

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