
David seems to be fanatical about his gut strings and in turn not quite open to 
the qualities of nylgut.

I use nylgut for the top four courses on my renaissance lutes and renaissance 
guitars. It is very rare that I have to retune at all during a concert. But 
this may also be due to the quality of my Martin Shepherd lutes.
A few weeks I had a concert with my renaissance ensemble in a theater and the 
hot spotlights gave me extreme tuning problems with metal strings of my 
cittern, but my lutes stayed well in tune.

Nylgut does stretch and I have to change the topstring of my g'lute about 4 
times a year, because it just gets too thin.

I am sure that many people perform well with all gut strings, but I been 
witness to lute players who spent almost as long tuning their gut strings in a 
concert as they played pieces.

best wishes

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