----- Original Message -----
From: Donatella Galletti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Friday, January 6, 2006 4:10 am
Subject: [LUTE] Re: Music Therapy

> As I was saying, the Alpha state is the state in the brains which 
> one has 
> before falling asleep, and is particularly proper to raise 
> intellectual 
> performance. Lozanov, a professor, invented a method which is 
> called 
> suggestopedia and allows you to learn foreign languages ( as he 
> was working 
> with them) in one tenth of the time.This has been demonstrated and 
> in 
> Switzerland they are making a lot of money using his method ( he 
> did not get 
> money out of it). One of the devices which are used is classical 
> music, so 
> the Mozart effect works. I think Mozart music would work or any 
> Baroque 
> music which is linear harmonically speaking. I made some 
> experiments and it 
> does work, and I also suspect my listening to classical music and 
> playing 
> has an influence on the plants nearby, because they usually bloom 
> even when 
> they are not supposed to.

As nice a hypothesis as this is, Donatella, I still can't put much stock in 
anecdote.  I need formal, peer-reviewed experimentation.  If there is really an 
effect, it should be consistently, statistically, reproduceably demonstrated.  
It hasn't been, and where tested, it hasn't been reproduceable.  I love music 
and know it has a pleasant effect on my psyche.  I'll have to remain skeptical 
about any touchy-feely pseudo-scientific claims beyond that.


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