In a message dated 2/20/2006 11:15:03 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

I've  been away all weekend and have just caught up on the six course  
discussion. Since we're on this topic I'd like to ask if anyone  
prefers a six course with a wider neck. I have one of Dan Larson's  
Ricercare six course lutes. It's a lovely instrument with good sound  
and response. However I find that I often am hitting the strings in  
the next course lower course when playing. I have thought it was  
because the neck very narrow nearer the pegbox and of course I've 
also  thought it might simply be my playing technique. But I got to 
comparing it  to my guitars and wondering if perhaps the neck couldn't 
be made a tad  wider, say half an inch, to alleviate this problem. 
Then I began to wonder  if others ran across this problem and what you 
did about it. So then, have  any of you players wanted a wider necked 
six course lute? Have any of your  luthiers made a wider necked six 
course lute? How did it work out? Did it  accomplish what you (and I) 
hoped it would?

I have always found the narrower neck by the pegbox end to be an advantage  
when playing six course repertoire.  Often very difficult and complex  
fingerings have to be managed, such as some of the fantasias of Bakfark, and I  
it much easier on the six course lute because of both its narrower left  hand 
spacing and also the rounded "half circle" cross section shape of the  neck.  I 
play with my thumb coming to a rest on the upper side of the neck  reverse.
Of course, one can always determine the spacing on the left hand when the  
lute is being made or, if possible, by changing the groove spacings on the  nut.


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