In a message dated 4/7/2006 9:38:09 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

would  anyone care to wax lyrical over the sound of  a

on Francesco da Milano:
they remained deprived of all senses save that  of hearing, as if the spirit, 
having abandoned all the seats of the senses, had  retired to the ears in 
order to enjoy the more at its ease so ravishing a  harmony; and I believe 
M. de Ventemille) that we would be there still, had  he not himself - I know 
not how - changing his style of playing with a gentle  force, returned the 
spirit and the senses to the place from which he had stolen  them, not without 
leaving as much astonishment in each of us as if we had been  elevated by an 
ecstatic transport of some divine frenzy... 
Kenneth Be


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