On Thursday 11 May 2006 02:56, Edward Martin wrote:

wow, what a list of players for a lute society event!
Maybe you can get them to play a nice lute quartet or whatever together?

> Dear Lute List,
> As most of you may already have knowledge of this subject, I am posting a
> reminder that the LSA Festival  will be in Cleveland, and the dates of it
> are from Sunday, June 25th, through Friday, June 30, 2006 , on the campus
> of Case Western Reserve University.  This will be the third time the
> seminar was held in that venue, and it promises to be a fantastic event, as
> there will be great learning opportunities for everyone, not to mention
> fabulous concerts.
> What is particularly exciting is the return of  Toyohiko Satoh, who has not
> been at an LSA seminar for at least 10 years.  He has a long, distinguished
> career, playing all of the lute related instruments, and specializing in
> the baroque lute.  Toyohiko recorded the first recording of all baroque
> lute music on a baroque lute, and he continues to record.  His style has
> changed, and now he will be teaching and performing 11 course music, and he
> will also demonstrate the results of his latest research on technical
> performance practices, playing an all gut strung baroque lute at low
> tension, with newly learned historic technique, playing by the bridge.
> Another feature is the return of Paul O'Dette, who has been absent from our
> seminar for years.  As we know, Paul is one of the finest renaissance
> lutenists in our time, and this will be a gift to hear him perform (in 2
> concerts - one with Ellen Hargis, one solo!), as well as teach.
> We are also featuring Crawford Young on medieval and early renaissance
> lutes, and his performance of this repertoire is legendary.
> In addition to these, we also have Ronn McFarlane, and Robet Barto, 2 of
> the most highly respected performers and teachers of the lute;  their
> performances always promise to be incredible.  Back by popular demand is
> Pat O'Brien, our ever so esteemed teacher.
> This is a great opportunity, and where else can you get the chance to hear
> all these people perform in 1 week, not to mention the opportunity to meet
> and maybe have a lesson with Toyohiko ... after over 30 years of teaching
> at the Royal Conservatory in den Haag, he is now semi-retired in Japan, and
> this could be the last time we get to have him here!
> We also are having concerts by Cathy Liddell, the Venere Quartet, Duo
> Marchand, Duo Chambure, and we will also present a concert by Earl Christy,
> and up-coming baroque lute professional.   Can you imagine the excitement
> of having a lesson with Paul O'Dette, or Ronn McFarlane, or Bob Barto?
> 2 years ago, when the festival was in the same venue, we all had a
> fantastic time, and we had the highest turn out, ever.   The feedback was
> overwhelmingly positive.  For those of you not yet committed to the event,
> please come, as I am sure it will be a grand time for all.
> Some of the classes are for rank beginners, some are for the advanced, and
> everything in between.  It will be a fun time for all, so please come!
> See details at:
> http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~lsa/seminar/Cleveland2006/index.html
> Edward Martin
> 2817 East 2nd Street
> Duluth, Minnesota  55812
> e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> voice:  (218) 728-1202
> To get on or off this list see list information at
> http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html

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