could i suggest that a pick be used as its lifting of
the string to produce an up and down vibration
wouldn't be that much different than the back and
forth vibration produced by pushing the string. 
plucking (up) and pushing (down) with the finger are
distinctly different functions - yielding different (i
would assume) results.

i haven't followed all the comments but is there data
from relevant accoustical experiments?  would, for
example, there be varying chladni patterns with the
two strokes?

- bill
--- LGS-Europe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > this description is that it doesn't even
> presupposes quick release of the
> > string to provide it with the necessary impulse of
> energy after it's 
> > pulled
> > sideways. And wouldn't the effect be the same if
> the pulling is made in 
> > the
> > upward direction?
> No, that's the beauty of it. Get out your lute and
> try! On a lute it works 
> even better than on a guitar. Parallel movement of
> the string gives almost 
> no volume, perpendicular movement gives SOUND. Try
> with a theorbo extended 
> bass for even better results, as then you'll avoid
> possible string rattling. 
> And of course the release is quick: you just let go
> of the string at its 
> point of maximum deviation, you cann't get a quicker
> release than that. It's 
> a nice, clean, laboratory pluck. Like shooting with
> a bow. And it eliminates 
> factors like nails/no nails or hard and soft
> fingers.
> > direction) than parallel to it. So this greater
> initial, as you say, 
> > "attack
> > needed to set the bridge in motion" is what indeed
> may help to 'kick off'
> > the sound, subsequently making it fuller, louder
> etc.
> I see. Then perpendicular plucking is 'better', for
> want of a better word, 
> because of the attack of the tone.
> David 
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