Dear lutefriends,


May I invite you to the 

10th Belgian Lute Day 15 October 06


Acad=C3=A9mie de Woluwe-St-Lambert

Avenue des 2 Tilleuls 2a, 

1200 Brussels


Programme :


9-9.30 Welcome with coffee and tea

9.30 Workshop: music from the Middle Ages (Landini and Grossin) arranged for G 
lutes and other early instruments (A = 440=E2=80') by Dr. Christine Ballman

9.30 Open lessons: baroque lute, theorbo and basso continuo by Philippe Malfeyt 

11.00 Concert: =E2=80=9CItalian Lute Music between 1500-1530=E2=80=9D solo and 
duets by Spinacino, Dalza, Capirola, Borrono, Da Milano played by Pascale 
Boquet and C=C3=A9line Ferru (France)


12.00 Aperitif offered by the Lute Academy & Lunch (BYO)


13.00 General Meeting of the Belgian Lute Academy and talk about the teaching 
the Lute to youngsters: Pascale Boquet, Lieven Misschaert, Philippe Malfeyt and 
C=C3=A9line Ferru (she has real reputation teaching young children)

13.30 Workshop ensemble:Ambrosio Dalza for lutes in D en G en Giulio Tiburtino 
for lutes in G (A=440=E2=80') by Dirk De Hertogh

13.30 Workshop ensemble: Trio=E2=80's by  Pacoloni (G-A-d or F-G-c) by Lieven 

15.30: Concert: =E2=80=9CEliza is the fairest Queen=E2=80=9D:  Elisabethan 
music by the group Pantagruel (Germany):  Hannah Morrison, voice, Dominik 
Schneider,flutes, gittern and voice, Mark Wheeler, lute, gittern and cittern.

17.00: Free Podium and performances of the music from the different workshops. 

18;00 The end



Price: free for our members and their family

others 10=E2=82=AC (-18 or +65 only 5=E2=82=AC)

We require your subscription before September 30th 06 



How to get there:

The way to get there is quite easy: from Brussels Central Station it=E2=80's 
only 10 minutes:

When you=E2=80're coming by public transport:

Upon arrival at Central Station take metro 1B direction Stokkel until stop 

Go to Tervurenlaan/ Avenue de Tervueren walk direction north east, (Porte de 
Tervueren), second street at the right is Trevierenstraat/Rue des 
Tr=C3=A9vires, the prolonging road is Tweelindenstraat/Avenue des 2 tilleuils.


When you=E2=80're coming by car:

Ring road around Brussels: East at the E40 Highway (from Li=C3=A8ge/Luik) take 
direction Centre

Follow Montgomery, stay on the lateral road (don=E2=80't enter the tunnel under 
this Montgomery roundabout).

You=E2=80're on the R. Whitlocklaan, take the first at the right at the 
roundabout which is the H. Dietrichlaan 

Then the first at the right is already the Tweelindenstraat 2a/Avenue des Deux 

(we can also send you a map when necessary)


One of our members, who lives next door, offers lodging for two persons, so 
first comes, first served


Hoping to meet you there, 


Greet Schamp







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