Yes there is a menuet by Weiss in the London book that
is in B minor. It is the only Weiss I have seen in
this key. Its on page 155 in the Peters edition. There
is also a sarabande in E minor by Weiss from a G major
suite, and that is the only E minor Weiss. This is
strange because these 2 keys are very nice on the
baroque lute. 
  There is also the Falckenhagen prelude that goes in
all keys that is very fun to play.

--- Daniel Shoskes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  Thanks for all the replies. Indeed I am primarily
> interested in German Baroque music and was hoping to
> find pieces later than Mouten et freres. I found a
> Bittner Tombeau on Roman's site in F#minor which
> I'll try. 
> Is the lack of these keys in the germal literature
> perhaps a rebellion against the "old fashioned" keys
> popular in France?
> DS
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