> Dear All,
> Just a few comments:
> I think it is probably wrong to assume that Julian Bream or Wanda
> Landowska were louder than their modern counterparts - in fact it  
> seems
> to me that with both lutes and harpsichords, as modern makers have got
> closer to historical models and methods (and as players have developed
> better techniques) the instruments have sounded louder and fuller,  
> with
> lots of overtones which the mid-20th C instruments lacked.

    I had never actually heard either Bream or Landowska in concert,  
but loudness, particularly in the case of  Wanda Landowska's  
harpsichord, is what strikes me in recordings. Perhaps, it is not  
loudness but "clankiness " or possibly a lack of an impression of  
intensity variation.

You are obviously right in that the remarkable right-hand technique  
of J.H. allows him to project far beyond the range of earlier  
players, such as Hoppy. However, I had the impression that there has  
been two stages in the evolution to lighter instruments. The first,  
where lutists such as Hoppy played more quietly than J.Bream,  
followed by a second phase, in which younger players such as  
J.Heringman rediscovered the renaissance right-hand techniques that  
would  allow them to project far beyond that of Hoppy, and probably  
also that of J.B.
I was greatly impressed by Jacob's projection in his consert a year  
ago at Caen.

However, I think David v. O. may have been right, in differentiating  
loudness and projection.
The heavier instruments may have been rather loud but lacking in  
Best regards

> Oh, and I must mention the splendid part-concert (about 30 minutes)
> which Jacob Heringman gave at the weekend.  All Bakfark, played  
> standing
> up, with ravishing sound, including a seven minute fantasia which had
> the audience spellbound.  And not a Pyramid string in sight.
> Best wishes,
> Martin
> To get on or off this list see list information at
> http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html

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