
What a work, especially when you could also spend your time playing your new lute...

Just some thoughts:
- Alfabetto is not always in agreement with the suggested harmony (or even figures when printed) in bass and melody. - There are more ways of figuring a Kapsberger song, so writing down an editorial figuring might suggest to an innocent continuo player that that is the only correct one and consequently constrain his discovery of other possibilities.

Hence I prefer to see the bass only, if no figures were in the original. I like to make up my own mind.

With Kapsberger the picture is diverse: Libro Primo of the Motetti Passeggiati have just a bass, Libro Secundo with Arie a bass with a few figures, Libro Primo with the Arie Passeggiate a bass and written out theorbo tab. The Villanelle Libro Primo have bass, theo-tab and alfabetto, Libro Secondo bass, a few figures and alfabetto, Libro Terzo a bass with more figures, theo-tab and alfabetto and Libro Quarto is like Libro Secondo again. The music not published by Spess I have only seen in transcription, but the books listed here give enough insight in Kapsberger's harmonical world to figure out the figures for yourself, and as a player I prefer that above an editorial figuring in this music.

Keep up the good work, Kapsberger wrote some beautiful arias and jolly villanellas.


David van Ooijen

----- Original Message ----- From: "Rob" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, December 17, 2007 10:50 AM
Subject: [LUTE] Italian texts - help needed

I'm in the process of setting the solo songs by Kapsberger for free download
over the internet, an example (still to be finished) can be found here:

I need help from someone with expertise in Italian texts, spelling,
underlay. This would be a joint project with no money involved.

As you can see from the example, I've decided to put the 'real' chord
symbols above the staff instead of the alfabeto. I've yet to decide whether
to fully figure the bass according to the chords. I imagine the choices
should be obvious from the combined notation of bass line and chord symbol,
but might be easier for sight-reading purposes of the bass was fully
figured. Thoughts, anyone?

Rob MacKillop


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