Ed, Here is my personal photo of L'Ensemble Phal=E8se Consort (The  
Little Big-Band), Pascal Gallon is directing on the left, and Jean- 
Marie Poirer, is second from the right in the front row (taken at a  
music festival in Caen, where Jacob Heringman was the guest). You  
will see that he is indeed left-handed.

Jean-Marie, as Lina Messina says has at least two very interesting  
web sites. He also uses, at least some gut on his lute, as he told me  
he still has some of the original loaded strings in use on one of his  


I hope your trip to the museum of music goes well.

Le 2 fevr. 08 =E0 08:10, Edward Martin a ecrit :

> At 10:25 PM 2/1/2008 -0800, howard posner wrote:
>> All that said, the answer to the original question is that the lute
>> player is really playing a real liuto attiorbato, in sync.  I don't
>> think it's Lislevand, because he plays left-handed (unlike the
>> theorbo player in the orchestra scenes).
> I did not think that Lislevand plays left handed, or are you  
> referring to
> the player in the movie?  It does not appear anything like  
> Lislevand.  Is
> there not a law, or rather a contract issue with non-actors (i.e.,
> musicians) acting in movies?
> ed
> Edward Martin
> 2817 East 2nd Street
> Duluth, Minnesota  55812
> e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> voice:  (218) 728-1202
> To get on or off this list see list information at
> http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html


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