Dear Friends, I would like to inform you about the
course, I am going to teach lute at this summer.
The original Application form in PDF can be sent on

Best wishes, Anton Birula

Summer Methodological Courses in Early Music  
Bydgoszcz, 29.VI – 5.VII  2008

under the auspices of
The Centre for Artistic Education 

Academia Musicae Bydgostiensis  2008 means organised
for the second time Summer Methodological Courses with
early music workshops and with the possibility of
participation in individual courses in interpretation.

As a continuation of the idea initiated in the year
2000 in the form of International Seminars of Early
Music at the Academy of Music in Bydgoszcz, the
courses are scientific, artistic and methodological
meetings. They are organised for teachers of schools
of music of all levels, students and graduates of
academies of music, students of 2nd level schools of
music, including chamber music groups involved in
early music
This year’s Methodological Courses will concern
performance practices of early music and methods of
teaching them in the following disciplines: singing,
flauto traverso, harpsichord, lute, organ, clavichord,
basso continuo realization and chamber music with
basso continuo, court dance, choreo-ralaxation
techniques, psychoeducation, multimedia. 
The Methodological Courses will include lectures, open
lessons, workshops and  group performance of music by
the participants of the courses. The program will
encompass classes for everybody and section classes in
accordance with the discipline selected by a
participant. Early and classical instruments, as well
as piano and guitar, will be accepted, and in chamber
music groups with basso continuo – also other wind
instruments and stringed instruments. The participants
of the courses will be given certificates of

Marek Rzepka – solo singing, vocal chamber music
(Hochschule fur Music und Theater, Leipzig)

Benedek Csalog – flauto traverso, chamber music with
basso continuo (Hochschule fur Music und Theater,
Leipzig) – courses conducted in English (with Polish

Prof. Urszula Bartkiewicz – harpsichord, chamber music
with basso continuo (Academy of Music in Bydgoszcz)
Anton Birula – lute, guitar, chamber music with basso
continuo (F. Chopin Group of State Schools of Music in

Radoslaw Marzec, PhD – organ (Academy of Music in

Maria Erdman – basso continuo, accompaniment, chamber
music with basso continuo, clavichord (F. Chopin Group
of State Schools of Music in Warsaw)

Dorota Zimna – accompaniment, basso continuo (Academy
of Music in Bydgoszcz)

Romana Agnel – court dance, choreography, history of
art (Cracov, Cracovia Danza)

Dariusz Brojek – choreo-ralaxation techniques (Cracow,
Cracovia Danza)

Teresa Ziolkowska – psychotherapist-psychoanalyst
(Szczecin, member of the Polish Association of
Psychoanalytical Psychotherapy)

Szymon Szetela – multimedia (University of Torun)

1. Applications for the courses should be posted or
mailed by May 20, 2008 on the ”Application Card” to
the following address:
Dorota Zimna,  Akademia Muzyczna im. F.Nowowiejskiego,
ul. Slowackiego 7, 85-008 Bydgoszcz, with the note
”Kursy Muzyki Dawnej” (Courses in Early Music);
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
2. An application can be accepted after making a
transfer of the full payment for the Methodological
Courses, i.e. PLN 250, by May 30, 2008 to the account
of the Academy of Music in Bydgoszcz: Pekao S.A. II
Oddzial Bydgoszcz, no.: 38 1240 3493 1111 0000 4279
1373 with the note: ”Kursy Muzyki Dawnej” (Courses in
Early Music).
The participants interested in getting an invoice are
requested to specify this in the Application Card as
well as the detailed address along with the personal
tax identification number of the person or
institution, for which the invoice is to be issued. 
3. Payment for the Methodological Course in Early
music (active or passive participation): PLN 250.
Active participants in the class of singing will be
selected after audition.
4. Payment for the individual, facultative courses in
interpretation: PLN 70 for a 45-minute individual
lesson  (payment  after arrival to the course)
4. The payment for the courses does not include the
price of accommodation and board. Accommodation
reservation on one’s own (possible accommodation in
the Student’s House of AM in Bydgoszcz). 
5. The courses begin on Sunday, June 29 at the Academy
of Music in Bydgoszcz, 7 Slowackiego Street, 85-008
6. The participants of the courses can participate in
the Concert of Participants.
7. Management of the courses of Academia Musicae
- scientific and artistic: Prof. Urszula Bartkiewicz

Courses Office: Dorota Zimna, MA, 
     tel.+48 501 827 750,  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
8. Application Card, current information, program and
list of inexpensive accommodation can be found online
9. Parents or tutors secures the custody for under-age


Letnie Kursy Metodyczne  Muzyki Dawnej / Early Music
Methodical Courses
29.VI- 5.VII 2008, Akademia Muzyczna, ul. Slowackiego
7, 85-008 Bydgoszcz

Znam  oraz  akceptuje  warunki  uczestnictwa i
zglaszam chec udzialu w
Letnich  Kursach  Metodycznych  Muzyki Dawnej,
Bydgoszcz 2008. I agree
with participation conditions and wish to take part in
the Early Music
Methodical         Courses,         Bydgoszc       
2008.        Imie,
nazwisko/name,surname………………………………………………………………………… Data
urodzenia/ date
code………………………    Kraj/
 Informacje   o
wyksztalceniu   muzycznym/   short   description   of 
 your   musical
Aktywne   uczestnictwo   w   zajeciach-prosze  
zaznaczyc   /   active
participation in courses- please, mark: Spiew-typ
glosu/ vocal-type of
voice……………………………………………………………………       Flet      
traverse/      flauto
harpsichord…………………………………………………………………………………   Lutnia,  
gitara/   lute,
chamber   music…………………………………………………………………………   Nauka  
basso  continuo/
performing  basso continuo………………………………………………… Inne
wpisac/other   instruments-please,   enter 
………………………………  Pzrygotowany
repertuar       /       prepared      
Dodatkowe  indywidualne  lekcje  interpretacji  (70 
zl  za 45 minut)-
liczba  lekcji  / additional individual cours of
interpretation (70 zl
for         45        minutes)-number        of       
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………    Prosze  
o   wystawienie
faktury  oplaty  za  Kursy  Metodyczne na (nazwisko/
nazwa instytucji,
adres,     NIP)/     I     am     interested     in   
 getting     an

Please  complete  this  form  and  return it by 20 May
2007 per email:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  or  post:  Dorota  Zimna,  Akademia
 Muzyczna,  ul.
Slowackiego  7,  85-008 Bydgoszcz. Courses can be
booked on receipt of
the  payment  for  Methodical  Courses (250 zl) by 30
May 2007 by bank
transfer  to  “Akademia  Muzyczna w Bydgoszczy”, no.
38 1240 3493 1111
0000 4279 1373, under ”Kursy Muzyki Dawnej”.


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