On May 25, 2008, at 12:46 AM, Martyn Hodgson wrote:

> Very good mt dear Howard - but really not at all.  I very much  
> welcomed your informed contributions as testing the envelope of  
> knowledge by citing early sources and organological data rather  
> than assertions based simply on personal preference.  Sorry if you  
> thought it at all wrathful!
> However, my complaint about Barber goes back many years (when I had  
> the temerity to first question his identification of the 'Chambure  
> vihuela' as a typical instrument for the early 16thC repertoire and  
> his continuing failure to mention organolgical work undertaken by  
> many others), and more recently (pasted below) when I pointed out  
> that, despite his most recent criticism (and personal abuse)of me  
> for advocating large theorbos, in fact his own website supported my  
> position!

You have an expansive view of what supports your position.  I suppose  
this is because your view is essentially an answer without a real  
question, and thus meaningless, or at least nonsensical.  Making a  
blanket statement about the historical size of theorbos without  
factoring in the question of absolute pitch is like making a blanket  
statement about how long a piece of rope should be.


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