This piece is very problematic.

But why do you think that it is "obviously" a consort part?

Lyle Nordstrom has attributed many anonymous trebles to Johnson. Others have serious doubts ...

Rainer adS

Jean-Marie Poirier wrote:
I don't think there is such thing as a John Johnson's version of Green 
Sleeves... ??? Probably you refer to the version in the Dd 3.18, Cambridge 
Unibversity Library, which is obviously a consort part, but can, of course, 
easily be adapted as a duet. But nothing in the manuscript points to that 
destination, or did I miss something ?

Best wishes,


======= 20-01-2009 16:53:03 =======

A friend of mine is looking at different versions of Green Sleeves and has asked me if I can help with dating early versions. I can't, but maybe someone here can. He had thought that the William Ballet Lute MS version was the earliest written one. It was compiled between 1595-1610. Does John Johnson's version for two lutes predate Ballet?


Doc Rossi

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