Well Taco, the question concerned the various realizations of the Bis recording of Lindberg's Dowland, not Miguel's Baricade. I leant that Brilliant does not make the Masters, but buys the rights, so presumably they bought the rights to the Bis Dowland master. One might assume that unless there is a problem in transfer, the result could be indentical.

However, a wierd and wonderful apparatus exists that angle-shaves the side of a CD to improve (so it is claimed) laser-light retrieval (Audio Desk system CD sound improver): "Reduces light scatter in CDs and DVDs by cutting a bevel on the edge of the disc. Brings a reduction in 'glare' and hardness associated with CD sound." If so, even the weight, or whatever, of the CD chosen for the transfer, might effect rotation and so light retrieval. Well, I won't provide a link, in spite of all you enthusiasts just waiting to get your hands on one.

As for Miguel's CD. It was mastered with his control by the sound engineer, Jiri Heger, who also made the recording (not by Brilliant); and I know they both worked very hard to reproduce, as close as possible, the sound quality they were looking for.
JH has worked with a number of Baroque ensembles, such as that of William Christie.

All feedback has been favourable, both about Miguel's refined playing style, and of the recording, but I am not sure how this should be evalued in lbs and oz.

Perhaps "the Gramophone" could replace their 5 stars to 1 rosette with Avoirdupois, 16oz to the lb (or Troy 12 oz to the lb); but Andrew Gibbs' idea of many "quavers to the crotchet", might go down a little better.

Le 23 janv. 09 à 14:45, Taco Walstra a écrit :

On Friday 23 January 2009, Anthony Hind rattled on the keyboard:
Oups sorry, that is a gallicism, (although it is ambiguous in French,
now you make me think about it). I have not completely acquired
French, and I have already lost much of my English, soon to be in an
interlingual no-man's land ...
Come to think about it, French visitors to the UK were almost as
surprised to find that fruit was sold per unit.

Ah, now I understand what you mean: its a brilliant CD not from the UK, so we must <<weigh>> the music. Well, there is some Weiss on the CD so it must be a bit heavier than a CD with only Saint-Luc or Gallot. How much lbs or gr is
this CD? Lightweight ;-) ?

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