Le 8 févr. 09 à 01:07, howard posner a écrit :

On Feb 7, 2009, at 9:29 AM, Anthony Hind wrote:

I can think of professional players who do limit themselves to
Renaissance lutes, Jacob Heringman, and this
does seem to have allowed him to develop an extremely elegant
Renaissance RH position.

A quick look through my CD collection shows that Jacob Heringperson
has made recordings on cittern, bandora (see ASV/Gaudeamus GAU CD
17), renaissance guitar (see Naxos 8.553325) and theorbo (see
Hyperion cda 66667).

Yes, I have those too, but by looking at a detail, you miss the general point, I was making. That dilettanteism is relative, and Jacob is more of a specialist than most. This has probably lead him to develop his very elegant renaissance RH position. However, Denys Stephens, in relation to Thumb over technique in 5c and 6c lutes, suggested that even more specialization would be called for similar developments on 6c LH positions. The fact that Jacob plays Bandora or Cittern makes no difference whatsoever to that question.

The whole discussion of dilettantism is beside the point.  It's been
scientifically proven that what prevents lutenists from developing
superior technique is not the time they spend practicing and playing
different instruments, but the time they spend in internet discussion

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