and, apparently that Bill-the-Kid was left-handed.


   From: howard posner []
   Sent: Mon 2/9/2009 5:27 PM
   Subject: [LUTE] Re: RH position, was: Dilettantism

   On Feb 9, 2009, at 1:48 PM, Eugene C. Braig IV wrote:
   > of course, a reversal
   > of original art in the engraving process was common comfortably
   > into the
   > 19th c.
   And well into the 20th, and for all I know, the 21st.  It's always
   been a rule of newpaper layout that people in pictures shouldn't look
   off the page, so at least in my college journalism days, it was
   common to "flop" pictures.  Every so often, someone in the production
   process who doesn't know better will flop a picture that shouldn't be
   flopped, and thus mislead the reader into thinking traffic is going
   the wrong way or a violinist is bowing with his left hand.
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