February 20th, 2009

   Dear Lutenists:

        This painting is quite classically romantic . . . what if you
   could play a Lute with copper phosphorous wound strings?  I had an
   Offman Lute/Guitar with copper strings but the neck broke and had to be
   repaired . . . however I must say I am very happy with the low resonant
   sound of the gut strings on my 6c Renaissance Lute, plays beautiful and
   haunting music.  I was quite intrigued by this picture (I had some nude
   with Lute pictures taken in heavy shadow but my photographer was
   unreliable and would not deliver the photographs . . . so I hope to
   have them taken again).  A great concert in the Lionel Groulx Metro
   today.  Have a great weekend!

   with thanks,

   Rebecca Banks
   Tea at Tympani Lane Records

   So many new options, so little time. [2]Windows Live Messenger. --


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