Nylon can be made to work, but it even more of a pain in the proverbial
than gut.  It is stronger than most neck woods and will leave an
indentation; some like that, it marks where the fret goes.  Others dislike
it for the same reason, get it wrong and you are stuck.  The knots are
prickly, and burning them makes noxious smoke which you really shouldnt

Nylon is probably longer lasting than gut, but not forever, I have had
nylon frets break.

I switched to gut a long time ago and far prefer it.

The first fret is particularly challenging as you have so little room
above it to use in stretching the knot tighter; I always found pliers
necesary on the first fret; leave the ends long enough that you can grip
away from the knot, then wrap a length around the jaws, you dont want to
be squashing the nylon to get a grip anywhere near the knot.
Dana Emery

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