..funny, I was reading about Rameau's H&A only a couple of weeks ago...
BTW, I found and bought (not cheap, but worth the money) a wonderful DICTIONNAIRE DE LA MUSIQUE EN FRANCE AUX XVIIe ET XVIIIe SIÈCLES, Ed. M. Benoit (Fayard, 1992).
800+ pages full of information.


El 31/03/2009, a las 10:04, hodgsonmar...@yahoo.co.uk escribió:

 Try 'Hippolyte et Aricie' by Bernier (1664 - 1734). I don't have a
 score but the date and country seem abour right....

 I also recall one of Cavalli's operas has the character but can't
 remember which!

 --- On Mon, 30/3/09, Monica Hall <mjlh...@tiscali.co.uk> wrote:

   From: Monica Hall <mjlh...@tiscali.co.uk>
   Subject: [LUTE] Hippolyte et Aricie
   To: "Lutelist" <lute@cs.dartmouth.edu>
   Date: Monday, 30 March, 2009, 5:01 PM

Does anyone know if there is/was an earlier version of "Hippolyte et Aricie" i.e. before Rameau's opera with this title? Either as an
    opera or ballet?
    The large French ms. of baroque guitar music F:PnMs.Res.F844
 includes a
    piece on p.263 with the title "Entree dAricie".
    Curiously this seems to be the same as the piece in the Princess
    book with the title "Doritye".
    It can't be by Rameau because the manuscript is earlier.
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