Very upsetting news indeed. My thoughts & sympathy to all as well. 
Updates appreciated.

Dan Winheld

>    Yes, the town is the same. it was also a very important stringmaking
>    -place quoted by Le Roy.
>    There is a lutenist that live in that town. I had no the courage to
>    phone him just to see  about him.
>    The situation is very hard.
>    Mimmo
>    Roman Turovsky ha scritto:
>      There is at least one lutenist living in that town.
>      RT
>      ----- Original Message ----- From: "Leonard Williams"
>      [1]<>
>      To: "Lute List" [2]<>
>      Sent: Wednesday, April 08, 2009 8:41 PM
>      Subject: [LUTE] In Italia
>      Ai nostri soci in Italia--i nostri profondi pensieri sono con voi.
>      State
>      bene. La citt`a l'Aquila: e la stessa di Marco dall'Aquila?
>      Saluti,
>      Leonard Williams


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