Hi Thomas,
   I have been working on the layout of upcoming Journals for the LSA in
   recent months and Lorenzino is the topic of all of that work.  Right
   now the 2004 Journal is finished and waiting for the next Quarterly to
   be ready and they will be mailed together.
   The 2004 Journal is 1 big article by Mariagrazia Carlone called "The
   Knights of the Lute" with a lot of details on who had this name and
   why, tracing details of who they worked for and when. Here is the table
   of contents:
   I.      Biographies
   I.a Lorenzino Tracetti

          I.a.1 Eques Auratus
          I.a.2 Trejicium vatem
          I.a.3 Quel giovane, che sona di lauto
          I.a.4 Lorentzin
          I.a.5 Dominus Laurentius Traciettus Romanus

   I.b Other musicians with the name Lorenzino

          I.b.1 Lorenzino Fiammingo (Lorenzo Zevero)
          I.b.2 Lorenzino Bolognese (Lorenzo Lodi)

   I.c Vincenzo Pinti

          I.c.1 Vincentius Pintus Cives Romanus
          I.c.2 Nec fidibus quisquam melior
          I.c.3 Ob fidei candorem ... longe conspicuo
          I.c.4 Lusitaniae Christi Militiae Eques

   II.Documents and Literary Texts
   II.a Sources relating to musicians named Lorenzino
   II.b Sources relating to Vincenzo Pinti
   Genealogical Trees
   I really enjoyed this article because it gave a nice picture of what
   life was like for these lute players: job contract negotiations that
   rival the negotiations of today's rock stars. My favorite anecdote was
   the document about a gambling barge on the river Po where one of the
   Lorenzino candidates was employed. Apparently the villagers along the
   river were very upset when the barge came to their towns because the
   idle rich folks ate them out of house and home.
   The Journal that I am working on now is 2 articles, also about
   Lorenzino - the musical sources of his music by Mariagrazia and an
   great article by Paul Beier "Some Observations on the Music of
   Lorenzino  and the Knight of the Lute."  This article includes 11
   musical examples that really wet my appetite to look at the whole
   pieces, so we will eventually have those pieces on the LSA web site.
   In addition Paul has an article in the upcoming Quarterly. It's "Some
   Remarks on the Seven-Course Lute Music in the Siena Manuscript." These
   are anonymous pieces that might be by Lorenzino.

     I'm wondering about the identity of the Laurencini of Besard's
     It seems we have at least two viable candidates for the Lorenzino of
     Thesaurus Harmonicus.  If I read Mariagrazia Carlone's work
     properly, she
     believes the Knight to be Vincenzo Pinti.  However, I just scanned
     the notes
     of Marco Pesci's cd devoted to Lorenzino, and he vies for Lorenzino
     Any general views on this?  I just finished a cd of Italian lute
     music c.
     1600, including a handful of tunes by Lorenzino.  I don't intend to
     deep in the scholarship on this topic, much less add anything new,
     but I
     would like to get some facts straight before I write the CD notes
     (last task
     Thanks much all,
     Thomas Walker, Jr.
     To get on or off this list see list information at

   Nancy Carlin Associates
   P.O. Box 6499
   Concord, CA 94524  USA
   phone 925/686-5800 fax 925/680-2582
   web site - [2]www.nancycarlinassociates.com
   FROM WALES - Robin Huw Bowen, Crasdant, Neil & Meg Browning's Never
   Mind the Bocs & Carreg Lafar,  FROM ENGLAND - The City Waites, Jez
   Lowe, & Jez Lowe & The Bad Pennies,  FROM SPAIN - La Musgana and now
   representing EARLY MUSIC - The Venere Lute Quartet and Paul Beier
   web site - [3]http://LuteSocietyofAmerica.org


   1. http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html
   2. http://www.nancycarlinassociates.com/
   3. http://lutesocietyofamerica.org/

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