On Dec 17, 2009, at 6:32 AM, Monica Hall wrote:

> May I ask what evidence there is that Monteverdi intended a baroque
> guitar to be included in the continuo group in the Vespers?!!

That would be the least interesting of the performance practice
questions you could ask.  You might also ask about those recorders
that are so close to the microphone (I think they are actually
mentioned only in the Magnificat), the use of of multiple voices on a
part (including eight women singing the Sancta Maria in unison), the
use of women singers,  the doubling of the voices with instruments in
the Dixit Dominus and Lauda Jerusalem, and doing Lauda Jerusalem at
"written" pitch instead of transposed down a fourth, all of which are
decisions by the editor or director.

The continuo question has an easy answer: Monteverdi did not specify
continuo, and would have expected that someone using his published
music would perform it with a variety of continuo instruments.  Would
he have been shocked if the theorbo player picked up a guitar in
places?  He might not have given it a thought.

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