Thanks everyone. Hope to make contact with Rakov in regard to silk

    Playing from the Siena Ms. on my last pair of gut trebles this
   morning- (doubled first on my "Chambure" copy vihuela) during the
   gentle haze of a happy holiday hangover is a most poignant moment on
   this overcast December 26th. A very special "Thank You" to DvO for his
   exceptional & encyclopedic website; I navigated to this page after
   viewing the one he posted-

    "Mono no Aware - A Sensitivity to Things"

   In and of itself, the right hangover can put one directly into an
   intense state of Mono no Aware, and this page on it is a must reading
   for musicians on this list. Two more candidates for sublime Mono no
   Aware that I've encountered lately are "Ego flos campi" from the Song
   of Songs set by Jacob Clemens non Papa (Achingly positive) and "Je
   Prens Congie" by Nicolas Gombert (achingly negative, like "Mille
   Regretz" but sadder)

   Happy Interholiday Moments to all-  Dan

     David - going to cook now :-)

   So how was dinner?



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