On Thu, 21 Oct 2010 08:22:17 -0400, Mayes, Joseph wrote
> What occurs to me in all of this is just how far from the spirit of 
> the law, the letter of the law has gone.

Yes, but unfortunately we have to live with that. 

> The Humble rockers who 
> wrote the beautiful song are way out of it - We're now talking about 
> the enrichment of suits and bean-counters.

Oh, c'mme on! That `humble rocker' got a shxxtload of money for
selling those copyrights. And IIRC I an TV interview some close friend
of John Lennon claimed that he was actually rather keen of being
wealthy - I think "shopping maniac" was the term he used :-)
> There seems to be a 
> misalignment of the universe when the guy delivering the ink 
> cartridge to write the contract makes more than the composer.    

So, us Robin Hoods of modern times commit copyright infringement to
take revenge for those horrible crimes: take from the rich (media
industry), give to the poor (composer/performer). Wait, we don't do
the second, somehow the booty stays with us.

 Cheers,  RalfD

> There should be a way to protect the rights of artists - not middle-men.

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