In the vihuela list we already talked about this sad news, and I wote

Dear all,

I also have very good memories of Jim; he was teaching a couple of times in
80's also here in Finland. Very good teacher and very nice person! I was
very beginner in theorbo then, and he composed a very good exercise and
also a beautiful piece, for which he also created a nice story:

He told me that he found it in the "attic of the oldest house of the course
center"...  And the piece just happened to be "Preludio detta la Wikla"...
You can find his original handwriting - and also a really good piece to
theorbo! - in

And also my modest performance about 20 years later in

I have a feeling I might have some diapositives of the course, too. I'll
check that later.

My sincere condolences to all relatives and friends of him!

Arto, also a friend from 80's

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