Welcome, Claudia.

Peg turners are fine as a way of protecting your fingers in the course of everyday tuning, but I worry about their use as a violent solution for sticking pegs. Apart from breaking the pegs, you could (even more expensively) break the pegbox as well. I think once your pegs have finally loosened, you should add some peg paste - over here the leading brand seems to be Hill's - dark brown stuff in a lipstick-style container.

Happy luting,



On 14/01/2011 05:08, Claudia Funder wrote:
 Hi All,

I've just joined the Lute List and am a new player having taken up Lute in 2010. I have a beautiful instrument made for me last year by Stephen and Sandi in London which I picked up in May. Now that it's summer I am also experiencing huge peg turning issues (as per Anthony Hind's note of last year). It's very wet and humid this year with all the La Nina rain. (which is all through Aus not just in Queensland etc).

For last few days I haven't been able to turn the pegs at all. I've tried the heat/drying technique suggested but given it hasn't really helped. (Actually, I might try a hair dryer....Hmm)

Today I've managed to move the pegs a bit and have almost re-tuned the whole instrument. Now I have numb fingers and thumbs and practice will have to wait!

If anyone can let me know where I can get a peg turner from to help that would be just grand. I can't find anything on the interweb...

Regards to all.

Claudia Funder

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