-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [BAROQUE-LUTE] Jacques Gallot and Francesco da Milano
Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2011 23:29:00 +0200
From: wikla <wi...@cs.helsinki.fi>
To: baroque-l...@cs.dartmouth.edu

Dear baroque lutenists,

after having check-played through quite a few pieces by Jacques Gallot,
I've come to the conclusion (that means this is my subjective opininion, of
course!) that Jacques really is one of the great lute composers - in the
level of F. da Milano, Dowland, E. Gaultier and such). And what especially
came to mind, is that J. Gallot in a way tastes same as Francesco da Milano
- about 150 years later: very economic writing, actually in extrem, very
clever ideas of melody and harmony, extremely very well written to the
instrument, its tuning, and to the fingers of both hands of the player. Not
to speak of the enjoyment to the ears and understanding. 

So Jacques is thus taken to my heaven of lute geniuses!  :-)


All the best,


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