An interesting question and one that can be answered in a number of 
different ways.

Basically, your answer is "as you please". Any other answer will have 
problems, since in this time period repeats were basically optional.
Morley's comment about ficta here is on point, where the right of the 
performer trumps the composer even as far as the notes.

Now, if you want to try to determine the composer's intent, there 
basically is no way, since there are so many versions and sources.
Maybe someone has the green light from the boss, maybe not.
Obviously there is only one verse for the third section, but you 
could write another verse.

What would I do? Take the repeat and then you have patch material for 
the recording if a dog barks on "hark"


At 05:00 PM 4/29/2011, you wrote:
>Hi, everyone! I may be taking my life in my hands (in the sense of
>inviting a deluge of emails), but what the heck. What are people's
>opinions regarding a repeat in performance of the third section of
>Dowland's "Flow My Tears"; yes, no, and why?
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