> I'm interested in any remedies for cold finger tips, which I invariably get 
> when I play a gig in a cold room.
> Very frustrating-fingerless gloves? chemicals?, Holding a cup of tea an hour 
> before?

Method 1 of 2:
They sell chemical hand warmers (iron powder with a catalyst for oxidation).
If you go to amazon.com and type "hand warmers" into the search box, you'll 
find many to choose from.

Method 2 of 2:
This works very well at home, but you will have to modify it somewhat 
for gigs.
1. Fill a bowl with very warm water.
2. Leave the bowl in the bottom of the sink.
3. Leave a small stream of _hot_ water running close to the
    bowl, but not into the bowl.
4. Put your hands in the bowl and pass the time doing finger
5. As the water cools, slide the bowl under the stream of
    hot water from time to time.
6. When your hands are warm, dry them quickly with a towel,
    and then finish drying with a hair dryer hanging from
    towel rack or a dresser.
This unfortunately takes the oil out of your skin, so
you may want to use a moisturing lotion once a day.

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