Very interesting and huge ms.! Thanks all involved!

Eagerly waiting also the intro by François-Pierre Goy in the Tree edition to come.

Before that proper analysis, it would be very interesting to hear at least something of the history of that ms. -- the 17th century history and also the 20th century history: the role of Kiev -- I can guess the point of history when the ms. was taken there... And what and where was that "Singakademie"? And how can this ms. be so clear? It looks like written/copied later than 17th century? The pen and the writing style looks more like 19th or even 20th century style. Could it have be written by some musicologist, who just copied many original 17th century mss.?



On 25/04/12 22:34, Andreas Schlegel wrote:
Dear lute netters,

That's the famous manuscript of the Singakademie who came back from Kiew in the 
year 2000. I bought a microfiche and in February I was in Berlin, made the 
physical description and took photos of the watermarks etc. - and they didn't 
told me that they will publish the PDF...

But anyway: That's a great gift! A big thank you to the library and to Rainer 
who shared the link!

François-Pierre Goy and Tim Crawford are working on this very important source. 
François-Pierre Goy wrote an article and a whole inventory - but I don't know 
where it will be published. I will ask him when he's back from his holiday.

Enjoy the source!


Am 25.04.2012 um 21:07 schrieb Rainer:

Dear lute netters,

I have no idea if this is new:

MS 4060 (750 pages) is on-line.


Rainer adS

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