Understanding now that this is  a version for beginners, I apologize for 
telling Arto to throw away anything pedagogical from Anthony Rooley's hand. But 
Arto is ready to move beyond the beginner's version!


On Jun 15, 2012, at 1:29 PM, Denys Stephens wrote:

> Dear Arto,
> I think you must have a photocopy of the version from pages 29-30
> of Anthony Rooley's 'A new varietie of lute lessons' which was
> published in 1975 together with an LP of all the pieces in the
> book. It was rather an exciting idea at the time. It formed part
> of a series of publications of 'music from student repertoire'
> published by Guitar Magazine, which is the reason why the piece
> is simplified by the exclusion of the more difficult sections.
> The tablature was hand written by Michael Hunt, who also wrote
> out some of the early Lute Society tablature sheets, which is
> why it could easily be mistaken for a Lute Society production.
> I have always found the split third course section in the
> full version of the piece much easier to do in practice than
> it might seem to be in theory, especially when you have the
> right lute to play it on. It completely confounds, of course,
> tablature programs, which have no way of replicating this
> notation.
> The use of the title 'Padoana Venetiana' for the piece is
> interesting. It has somehow entered the realm of lute 
> mythology that this is the proper title of the piece - which 
> as you have noted, it isn't! My guess is that this comes from 
> a misreading of the introductory material in Otto Gombosi's 1955 
> edition of the Capirola lute book, where he describes the Capirola
> padoana as belonging to the 'family' of dances which includes
> Dalza's pavanas 'alla Venetiana,' although he doesn't give the
> piece that title. But at the time of Tony Rooley's book, the
> Capirola manuscript was only known from the Gombosi edition, 
> as there were no facsimilies of it available then. The padoana 
> itself seems to have been a lute players standard piece, and may 
> not have been composed by Capirola at all, although his version is
> very elegant. Other versions of it are found in Newsidler's
> 'Ein newes lautenbuchlein' of 1540, and more famously as 'the
> Duke of Somersett's Dompe' in Ms. Royal Appendix 58. It's
> particularly interesting that there is a 'Pavana deta la
> descordata' which is clearly based on the same theme in
> the Castelfranco Veneto manuscript, which seems to be Giovanni
> Pacalono's reworking of the piece. It was still in circulation
> and popular well after the time of the Capirola manuscript.
> Best wishes,
> Denys
> -----Original Message-----
> From: lute-...@cs.dartmouth.edu [mailto:lute-...@cs.dartmouth.edu] On Behalf
> Of Arto Wikla
> Sent: 15 June 2012 19:44
> To: lute-cs.dartmouth.edu
> Subject: [LUTE] An old Capirola edition?
>   Dear lutenists
>   I played an old version of a "Padoana Veneziana", old _modern version_
>   of this piece. It seems to be a free edition of the real Capirola .23.
>   "Padoana belissima, descorda come sancta trinitas" (Minkoff page 54).
>   In the original the 6th course is lowered a whole tone, the edition
>   uses the 7th. The original has a special section that separates the
>   strings of the 4th course, the edition luckily not! ;-) The edition
>   also misses some sections of the original. But the edition is fun to
>   play! :-) Also the attribute "Veneziana" seems to be a modern
>   interpretation? The piece is in
>     [1]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ElFIRz2WWxM&feature=youtu.be
>     [2]http://vimeo.com/44120062
>   I have only an old photocopy page of the edition, no editor name there.
>   French tab. Looks like old Lute Society edition? Anyone happens to know
>   the editor or the reason for this Padoana being "Veneziana"?
>   Best,
>   Arto
>   --
> References
>   Visible links
>   1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ElFIRz2WWxM&feature=youtu.be
>   2. http://vimeo.com/44120062
>   Hidden links:
>   3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ElFIRz2WWxM&feature=youtu.be
> To get on or off this list see list information at
> http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html

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