It sounds like the version that was in the Rooley Lute Tutor.  I can't
   remember the name of the book and it is in storage so I can't put my
   hands on it.
   I would hazard a guess that it was edited that way to be "friendlier"
   to a novice lutenist.
   > Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2012 21:44:08 +0300
   > To:
   > From:
   > Subject: [LUTE] An old Capirola edition?
   > Dear lutenists
   > I played an old version of a "Padoana Veneziana", old _modern
   > of this piece. It seems to be a free edition of the real Capirola
   > "Padoana belissima, descorda come sancta trinitas" (Minkoff page 54).
   > In the original the 6th course is lowered a whole tone, the edition
   > uses the 7th. The original has a special section that separates the
   > strings of the 4th course, the edition luckily not! ;-) The edition
   > also misses some sections of the original. But the edition is fun to
   > play! :-) Also the attribute "Veneziana" seems to be a modern
   > interpretation? The piece is in
   > [1]
   > [2]
   > I have only an old photocopy page of the edition, no editor name
   > French tab. Looks like old Lute Society edition? Anyone happens to
   > the editor or the reason for this Padoana being "Veneziana"?
   > Best,
   > Arto
   > --
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   > 1.
   > 2.
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   > 3.
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