It's a shame that there are a lot of people, mostly over 60, who
   haven't the faintest idea about downloads, ipods, docks and suchlike.
   This business of getting a download on their computer (- many don't
   possess a computer - ) is bemusing to them.  I have a good friend (a
   luthier in his 80s) who, when his virus checker comes up for renewal,
   refuses to download the latest version, but goes to the shop and buys
   it on a CD, which leads to all kinds of clashes in his account - but he
   understandably wants something he can hold and put on a shelf rather
   than a thing that apparently springs from the ether and could just a
   easily spring back again.  Talk about a 'lost generation'?
   From: Edward Mast <>
   To: Karl Wohlwend <>
   Sent: Tuesday, 26 June 2012, 20:37
   Subject: [LUTE] Re: New post
   As long as I can go on line and find the CDs I want, I consider the
   medium still alive (but it is ironic that CDs may ultimately
   pre-decease vinyl).  I prefer having my music stored on discs (or
   records) that I can browse, and including notes that I can read away
   from a computer.  Of course, this being my preference means nothing in
   terms of which way the industry will go.  But at least I have a
   substantial library that will sustain me musically for years to come.
   On Jun 26, 2012, at 9:28 AM, Karl Wohlwend wrote:
   > CDs still have a place in the world for those of us who play
   concerts. The digital revolution hasn't yet found a way to satisfy
   those audience members who want to take a souvenir home with them, and
   performers always need gas and food money. They also make fine business
   cards. Now, profit is another story altogether...
   > Karl Wohlwend
   > 503 E Weber Rd
   > Columbus OH 43202
   > 614.405.2300
   > Classical Guitar Performance and Instruction
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