Hebert, I put it into Fronimo, and also added it in staff notation, and will send it to you. ed
On Sun, Oct 26, 2014 at 10:22 PM, Nancy Carlin <[1]na...@nancycarlinassociates.com> wrote: That is on f.22r of the ML Lute Book. Here is a link to that manuscript on Sarge Gerbode's web site. [2]http://gerbode.net/facsimiles/british_library/BL_MS_Add_38539_john_s turt_lute_book/ Nancy I'm looking for tablature (or regular staff notation) to John Sturt's prelude. I understand there is only one prelude extant from this composer. I can't find the tablature/staff online.A I would appreciate suggestions or other help. To get on or off this list see list information at [3]http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html -- Nancy Carlin Administrator THE LUTE SOCIETY OF AMERICA [4]http://LuteSocietyofAmerica.org PO Box 6499 Concord, CA 94524 USA [5]925 / 686-5800 [6]www.groundsanddivisions.info [7]www.nancycarlinassociates.com -- References 1. mailto:na...@nancycarlinassociates.com 2. http://gerbode.net/facsimiles/british_library/BL_MS_Add_38539_john_sturt_lute_book/ 3. http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html 4. http://LuteSocietyofAmerica.org/ 5. tel:925%20%2F%20686-5800 6. http://www.groundsanddivisions.info/ 7. http://www.nancycarlinassociates.com/