Ole Sterling,
   I can't remember having seen a translation. I put the 4 pages (660 kB)
   just in case someone wants to prepare a christmas gift for us by
   translating it :-)
   The whole delfinarium is online:
     * Luys de Narvaez
          + [2]Los seis libros del Delphin de musica de cifras para taner
            Vihuela., Valladolid, 1538[1]
          + [3]Los seis libros del Delphin de musica de cifras para taner
            Vihuela., Valladolid, 1538[1] (another source)

   On 07.12.2014 08:38, sterling price wrote:

   Hi all--Can someone direct me to an English translation of the
   instructions in the first book of Delphin de Musica of Narvaez?
   Yes, I know it is hard to believe but I recently got a nice renaissance
   lute and I am exploring the six course music for the first time. I
   can't believe how much fun it is. And yes I know Narvaez is for


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   1. http://www.lute-academy.be/docstore/temp/narvaez.pdf
   2. http://bdh.bne.es/bnesearch/detalle/2691784
   3. http://www.gerbode.net/facsimiles/narvaez_los_seys_libros_del_delphin/
   4. http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html

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