Be aware that the role of the CNRS in French research is surprisingly broad.  
The stated mandate of the organisation is to “produce knowledge and to put 
that knowledge to the service of society" (my translation from the French).  
Consequently,  the CNRS covers all of the sciences, as its name might suggest, 
but also all of the social sciences (psychology, sociology, etc.) and the arts 
(visual, literary and musical).  In fact the word scientific in the title is 
misleading and publishing music falls comfortably within the organisation's 
perceived mandate. CNRS is a wonderful organisation (ok, a bit stodgy and 
pedantic at times) and is a perfect model for the unstated French world view 
that, “if we don’t educate the ignorant masses, who will?"  I was lucky 
enough to have been funded for nearly five years of full-time work on the place 
of James Joyce in contemporary French literature.  Nirvana.  Those were the 
days.  All best, Robert

Robert Gallagher
Tour Béryl BAL 68-3
40, avenue d’Italie
75013 Paris FRANCE

+33 (0) 983 79 70 48

> On 21 Mar 2016, at 22:29, Christopher Stetson <> 
> wrote:
>   Personally, I always wondered why the National Center for Scientific
>   Research was in the business of publishing lute music.   I wonder how
>   that got by the funders.   But it was a different time.
>   C.
>   On Mon, Mar 21, 2016 at 11:47 AM, [1] <[2]>
>   wrote:
>        The CNRS shop isn't completely sold out.
>     [3]
>     n-Moni
>        que-Rollin.html
>     [4]
>     -Rolli
>        n.html
>     [5]
>     l-Jean
>        -Baptiste-Besard-Monique-Rollin.html
>     [6]
>     ean-Mi
>        chel-Vaccaro.html
>     [7]
>     Michel
>        -Renault.html
>        I wonder what happens if one orders something now.
>        Some years ago I did. As you know I think that the CNRS is a sort
>     of
>        area 51. Consequently no parcel arrived. Mails and calls proved
>     to be
>        fruitless. No response. Then suddenly, after 10 months,   the
>     parcel
>        came: excessively covered with stamps and seals: "Urgent! Air
>     Mail! By
>        Helicopter! Express delivery!"   The p&p was double the price of
>     the
>        parcels contents - but I was never charged :-) So, good luck!
>        B
>     To get on or off this list see list information at
>     [8]
>   --
> References
>   1.
>   2.
>   3.
>   4.
>   5.
>   6.
>   7.
>   8.


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